For most physical therapists, the work day starts with a trip to the “office.” Their office is the clinic where they work. Injured workers come to them for rehabilitation sessions.
A day in the life of an PhysNet PT is very different. Susan is a good example. She is a skilled, licensed physical therapist who loves her work. She especially loves being part of PhysNet’s team. She can focus on helping injured workers get better. And she’s not stuck in a clinic all day.
Taking Physical Therapy to the Worker
Susan’s “office” is each client’s worksite. Sometimes it’s the worker’s home. This morning, she’s headed to a hotel not far away. Her first stop is the workers’ comp director. Over a cup of coffee, they catch up on each injured worker’s progress. They do this daily, so hotel management is always up-to-date.
Susan leaves the workers’ comp director’s office. She notices some of the housekeeping staff are not following protocol for lifting. She stops and shares a friendly reminder. No injuries today!
Susan’s first appointment is very exciting. Steve, who suffered a back injury last month, is returning to the job today. He’ll continue therapy sessions at work, with treatment tailored to his specific job. Susan spends a moment helping Steve’s co-workers welcome him back. Then, she moves on to two more therapy sessions.
Margaret, another housekeeper, recently strained her lower back. She didn’t realize she was reaching too far with that pile of linens. On-site therapy sessions are relieving her back pain. Along with therapy, she is also learning proper techniques to lift and carry. This will help her avoid repeat injuries.
Jason, a banquet server, twisted his knee. He’s on crutches, but comes in to work three times a week. Like Margaret, he’s getting therapy tailored to his specific job. He is also learning how to work safer in the future.
Susan has a few minutes, so she spends the time preparing to lead a new-hire training session next week. Preventing injuries in the first place is her client’s top priority. Susan grabs some lunch and mingles with employees in the break room. She sees a couple of former patients and asks how they’re doing.
After lunch, it’s time for paperwork. Like most of us, Susan hates this part of her job. But she also knows how important is to keep everyone informed. Good communication keeps claims moving forward. Then it’s on to three more therapy sessions with injured workers. All three are anxious to return to work, at least part-time. Susan is very pleased with their progress, and they are, too. They appreciate the one-on-one attention they get for their entire session. They know on-site physical therapy is helping them heal faster.
Whew! Susan has been busy, and she’s ready to call it a day. Before she leaves, she checks in again with the workers’ comp director. She reports good news. The hotel’s assistant chef should be back to full duty in another week.
On-Site Therapy Boosts Communication
What’s so different about Susan’s day? Clinic-based physical therapists see many different types of patients during the day. Often, they work with many people at the same time. They are generalists. Susan is a specialist. She treats only injured workers, so she can focus her knowledge and skills. She treats only one person at a time, at their work site. That means she can see where they work and what they do. Knowing that helps her provide customized, relevant therapy.
Throughout her day, she communicates with injured workers and the workers’ comp director. Her frequent paperwork updates keep everyone else in the loop, too. No one has to wonder about a worker’s progress. It’s rewarding work. Susan is providing therapy, and she is helping injured workers and their employers prevent future injuries.
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